Is there a German U-boat at the bottom of Lake Michigan?

Crewman aboard a ship owned by A and T Recovery on Lake Michigan dropped cameras into the deep to confirm what sonar was telling them — there was a German U-boat resting on the bottom of the Great Lake.

Are there any submarines on the Great Lakes?

Naval ships. The Great Lakes are home to a large number of naval craft serving as museums (including five submarines, two destroyers and a cruiser). The Great Lakes are not known for submarine activity, but the undersea service fires the imagination of many.

Has there ever been a submarine in Lake Superior?

Scientists making the first submarine expedition in Lake Superior have had their first look at the bottom at its deepest — more than 1,300 feet — and found it teeming with life, though only of three species.

How many German U boats are still missing?

A U-boat of this type, listed for decades as being sunk off Gibraltar, was found on the sea bottom about 60 miles off the coast of New Jersey in 1991. According to the definitive website, a total of 50 German U-boats remained unaccounted for after the end of World War II.

Are there any submarines in the ocean right now?

The remaining submarines are the 48 Los Angeles- and Virginia-class nuclear attack submarines. These and the Seawolf boats are the real hunter-killers of the fleet, with the mission of stalking and killing enemy submarines and surface ships.

Is there a lake underneath Lake Superior?

As we determined this past week with several arduous dives, the caves lead to a vast underground lake. This is undoubtedly Sir Duluth’s ‘Lac d’Enfer,’ and the same lake which swallowed poor William Bitter in 1870.

Does anything live at the bottom of Lake Superior?

More than 200 species of fish live in the lake, including walleye, whitefish, and sturgeon. It also has several bottom-dwelling fish species, such as the invasive round goby. Additionally, the bottom of the lake is home to crayfish, shrimp, and other invertebrates.

Are there any private submarines?

So while dozens of private submersibles are bobbing around the deep, there are currently no private luxury subs in existence. For all the renderings zipping around the Internet, subs such as the M7 and the Phoenix 1000 remain (mostly) theoretical.

How many Japanese submarines were lost in ww2?

128 submarines
The tremendous accomplishments of American submarines were achieved at the expense of 52 subs with 374 officers and 3,131 enlisted volunteers lost during combat against Japan; Japan lost 128 submarines during the Second World War in Pacific waters.

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