Can you wear jeans at Pebble Beach golf course?

A memorable way to explore Pebble Beach is with a guided trail ride from the Equestrian Center. Be sure to wear jeans and tennis shoes — otherwise dress comfortably. Jeans will also help protect you from anything you might brush up against during your ride or hike.

How much does it cost to play golf at Pebble Beach?

Pebble Beach green fees for a standard round are a whopping $550 per person and will increase to $575 on April 1, 2020. In addition to that initial price, it costs $45 per person to use a cart. If you choose to go the caddie route and walk, which is recommended, the caddie fee will run you another $95 per bag.

Can you walk Pebble Beach golf course without playing?

It’s not a requirement that you need to stay to play, though it’s strongly advised. That’s because if you’re a guest of one of the Pebble Beach Resorts properties (The Lodge at Pebble Beach, The Inn at Spanish Bay), you can book Pebble Beach times up to 18 months in advance.

Is Spyglass cart path only?

However, it is cart path only and it is very hilly. As a result, the course is in beautiful shape but you need to be also.

Can you walk Pebble Beach without a caddie?

Caddies are not required but greatly enhance the guest experience. Those wishing to request a caddie should call Caddie Services at least 72 hours in advance of the round at (866) 903-9101.

Are golf carts allowed at Pebble Beach?

As course experts, Pebble Beach caddies can help you read greens and judge yardages, as well as share stories on the rich history of Pebble Beach. If you choose to take a golf cart, it must remain on the path at all times.

Is Spyglass better than Pebble Beach?

When it comes to difficulty, even pros fear the uphill climbs and elevated greens at Spyglass Hill, one of the toughest courses annually on the PGA Tour. Pebble Beach ultimately wins the debate, though. The ocean is actually in play on its most famous holes, 7-8 and 17-18.

How much does a caddy at Pebble Beach make?

Pebble Beach Company Salary FAQs The average salary for a Golf Caddie is $48,918 per year in United States, which is 2% lower than the average Pebble Beach Company salary of $49,977 per year for this job.

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