How do you pronounce the German alphabet?

In German, the letters of the Alphabet are pronounced like this, and can be spelt phonetically as such:

  1. A = ah.
  2. B = bay.
  3. C = tsay.
  4. D = day.
  5. E = ay.
  6. F = eff.
  7. G = gay.
  8. H = hah.

How do you say 14 in German?

Penelope holds a doctorate degree in German and a professional teaching license in the state of Colorado….Thirteen to Nineteen.

Number German Word Pronunciation
13 dreizehn DRY-tsain
14 vierzehn FEAR-tsain
15 fünfzehn FUHNF-tsain
16 sechszehn ZEX-tsain

How is Z pronounced in German?

The German consonant ‘z’ is pronounced in the same manner as the English ‘ts’ sound that is found at the end of words such as ‘cats’, ‘lots’ or ‘sits’.

How do you pronounce Sechzig?


  1. IPA: /ˈzɛçt͡sɪç/ (standard)
  2. IPA: /ˈzɛçt͡sɪk/ (common form in southern Germany, Austria, and Switzerland)
  3. audio. 0:02. (file)
  4. Hyphenation: sech‧zig.

How do you pronounce the ö?

To pronounce the ö-sound, say “ay” as in day (or as in the German word See). While continuing to make this sound, tightly round your lips.

How is ç pronounced?

Ç always sounds like [“sss”] ! So it’s a way to have a “c” letter that sounds like “sss” even in front of a / o / u. For instance: A : Ça = [sah] = “this” ; Français = [fransay] = French!

Is learning German easy?

Learning German can be a bit difficult, especially if you are a native of a language that doesn’t belong to the Indo-European family of languages. But, no matter what your native language is, and even if German may seem tricky to you at first, don’t get discouraged.

Is there A word with all 26 letters?

An English pangram is a sentence that contains all 26 letters of the English alphabet. The most well known English pangram is probably “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”.

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