Where is mastoiditis located?

The mastoid is located just behind the ear. Mastoiditis is an infection of the bony air cells in the mastoid bone, located just behind the ear. It is rarely seen today because of the use of antibiotics to treat ear infections.

Can mastoiditis cause chest pain?

Mastoid infection may spread into the neck causing marked swelling on the side of the neck along with fever and exquisite tenderness. Infection in the neck left untreated can impair breathing and spread into the chest.

What does mastoid process mean in anatomy?

The mastoid process is a smooth conical projection of bone located at the base of the mastoid area of the temporal bone. It allows the attachment of muscles such as the occipitofrontalis muscle, as well as certain muscles of the neck like the sternocleidmastoid and splenius capitis muscles.

Can mastoiditis spread to other parts of the body?

This can spread to surrounding structures, including the mastoid. Without effective antibiotic treatment, a bacterial infection can continue spreading throughout the bones of the skull and may travel through the blood to organs, including the brain.

What causes adult mastoiditis?

The most common cause of mastoiditis is an untreated inner ear infection (acute otitis media). Less frequently, a condition called cholesteatoma can cause mastoiditis. Cholesteatoma is an abnormal growing collection of skin cells inside the ear that can prevent the ear from draining, which can lead to mastoiditis.

How do you check for mastoiditis?

How is mastoiditis diagnosed?

  1. a white blood cell count to confirm the presence of an infection.
  2. a CT scan of your ear and head.
  3. an MRI scan of your ear and head.
  4. an X-ray of your skull.

What does your mastoid bone do?

The mastoid bone, which is full of these air cells, is part of the temporal bone of the skull. The mastoid air cells are thought to protect the delicate structures of the ear, regulate ear pressure and possibly protect the temporal bone during trauma.

Categories: Common