How to go back to previous page Js?

There is two popular way to make browsers go back to the previous page by clicking JavaScript event, both methods are described below: Method 1: Using history.go() method: The go() method of the window. history object is used to load a page from the session history.

How to go back to the previous page in html?

You can use the history. back() method to tell the browser to go back to the user’s previous page. One way to use this JavaScript is to add it to the onclick event attribute of a button.

How do I keep from going back to previous page after login in JSP?

  1. put session attribute check(ex. user object) in restricted page controller.
  2. invalidate the session after logout.

How do I navigate from one JSP to another?

1 Answer

  1. use
  2. or submit to a servlet using , and then: redirect to page2, using response. sendRedirect(“page2. jsp”) or forward to page2, using request. getRequestDispatcher(“page2. jsp”). forward()

What is the syntax and use of history go back method?

Definition and Usage The history. back() method loads the previous URL (page) in the history list. The history. back() method only works if a previous page exists.

How do you go to the next page in HTML?

Approach: To redirect from an HTML page to another page, you can use the tag by specifying the particular link in the URL attribute. It is the client-side redirection, the browsers request the server to provide another page.

How Stop Back to previous page after logout in PHP?

Whenever a user visits a protected page, try sending headers to prevent caching of the page: header(‘Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate’); header(‘Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT’);

How do I navigate from one page to another in spring boot?

Try a URL http://localhost:8080/HelloWeb/index and you should see the following result if everything is fine with your Spring Web Application. Click the “Redirect Page” button to submit the form and to get the final redirected page.

How do I move a page from one servlet to another?


  1. sendRedirect() accepts the respective URL to which the request is to be redirected.
  2. Can redirect the request to another resource like Servlet, HTML page, or JSP page that are inside or outside the server.
  3. It works on the HTTP response object and always sends a new request for the object.

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