What is the anterior commissure of larynx?
Background: The anterior commissure (AC) of the human larynx is usually understood as an area of the glottis anteriorly situated between the two vocal folds inserting to the thyroid cartilage (TC).
Where is anterior commissure larynx?
The anterior commissure of the larynx is the anterior junction point of the true vocal cords. It is bounded anteriorly by the thyroid cartilage and is part of the laryngeal glottis.
What is posterior commissure of larynx?
The posterior commissure of the larynx is a name often given to the posterior portion of the glottis. The interarytenoid muscles are part of this anatomical landmark.
What is the Rima Glottidis?
The rima glottidis is the potential space between the vocal ligaments contained within these intrinsic ligaments and membranes. Serving as the primary conduit for airflow within the larynx, the rima glottidis may be open or closed secondary to abduction or adduction of the vocal folds, respectively.
What is an anterior commissure scope?
In this paraglossal or retromolar technique, the anterior commissure laryngoscope is passed from the right corner of the mouth, displacing the tongue to the left and advanced towards the larynx between the tongue and the tonsil.
What commissure means?
Definition of commissure 1 : a point or line of union or junction especially between two anatomical parts (such as adjacent heart valves) 2 : a connecting band of nerve tissue in the brain or spinal cord.
What is the function of posterior commissure?
The posterior commissure is the inferior lamina or stalk of the pineal gland and is important in language processing and connects the language processing centres of both cerebral hemispheres. It is closely related in function to the splenium of the corpus callosum, and injury to it may lead to disorders such as alexia.
What structures does the epiglottis attach to anteriorly?
The epiglottis is located in the larynx and attached to the thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone.
How many types of laryngoscope are there?
Two basic styles of laryngoscope blade are currently commercially available: the curved blade and the straight blade.