What decision does nanny make for Janie?


What decision does nanny make for Janie?

Nanny decides that Janie’s sexual awakening could lead to her downfall, so she pressures her into marrying Logan Killicks, despite her original wish that Janie go to school and “pick from a higher bush and a sweeter berry.” Nanny is most concerned that Janie will be left financially destitute if she dies before Janie …

What is the significance of the mule?

The mule story serves to illustrate the strained relationship between Janie and Joe Starks. More than that, however, the figure of the mule can refer not only to Janie herself but to any black woman struggling for independence.

Why does nanny raise Janie?

She is simply “Nanny” to Janie because that is what the white children that she takes care of call her. Born into slavery, Nanny tells Janie her life story when the girl is sixteen. Her experiences make her sadly aware of what can happen to an attractive woman. This child, she hoped, would become a schoolteacher.

Why does Jody buy the mule?

He buys the mule for five dollars so that the poor beast can rest for once in his life. Everyone considers Jody’s liberation of the mule very noble, comparing it to Abraham Lincoln’s emancipation of northern slaves. The animal becomes a source of pride for the town and the subject of even more tall tales.

Why does Joe not allow Janie to participate in the social scene around the store?

Q. Why does Joe not allow Janie to participate in the social scene around the store? a. He says she needs to tend the store.

What do the men who try to court Janie really want?

What do the men who try to court Janie really want? Her money.

How is freeing the mule symbolic?

Freeing the mule symbolizes setting a tortured soul free. The townspeople compare Starks to George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

What are the symbols in Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Their Eyes Were Watching God Symbols

  • The Horizon. Janie invokes the symbol of the horizon repeatedly throughout the novel; to Janie, the horizon symbolizes the realm of the possible, that which she can dream about.
  • The Pear Tree.
  • Checkers.
  • Mule.
  • The Hurricane.

Why does Joe think Janie is being ungrateful?

Joe thinks that Janie is being ungrateful because she is being hostile. He feels like he has givenher everything she could ever want, but when she doesn’t act grateful he becomes resentful and upset.

What does Janie find under tea cake’s pillow?

What did Janie find under Tea Cake’s pillow? She found his pistol, with three full chambers.

What does the yellow mule symbolize?

The abused yellow mule symbolizes mistreatment and suppression that Janie and women like her face. The mule is constantly mocked and seen as a lowly creature. Similarly, on the hierarchy of society, Janie and her fellow black women are depicted on the lowest rungs of society.

How does the mule symbolize Janie?

The Mule symbolizes Janie’s life with Logan Killicks and then her life with Joe Starks. SHe’s worked like a mule in both their lives. A repeating symbol in the story is Janie finding true love, a bee to her blossom.