How did early musicians make a living?


How did early musicians make a living?

Musicians earned money paid for by ticket sales. The public concert was a new idea in the 1770s in England where the Industrial Age had started earlier than it had in Germany.

What were the two major keyboard instruments invented in the Baroque period?

By and large, the chief domestic keyboard instruments of the era were the clavichord and harpsichord, which produced their sounds by striking or plucking strings.

What family of instruments dominated the Baroque period?

violin family

Who is the most famous composer of the Baroque period?

Johann Sebastian Bach

How can you tell if a painting is Baroque?

Things to Look for in Baroque Art:

  1. Images are direct, obvious, and dramatic.
  2. Tries to draw the viewer in to participate in the scene.
  3. Depictions feel physically and psychologically real.
  4. Extravagant settings and ornamentation.
  5. Dramatic use of color.
  6. Dramatic contrasts between light and dark, light and shadow.

What happened during the Baroque period?

The Baroque period refers to an era that started around 1600 and ended around 1750, and included composers like Bach, Vivaldi and Handel, who pioneered new styles like the concerto and the sonata. The Baroque period saw an explosion of new musical styles with the introduction of the concerto, the sonata and the opera.

What is a baroque design?

Baroque architecture is a highly decorative and theatrical style which appeared in Italy in the early 17th century and gradually spread across Europe. Twisted columns were also often used, to give an illusion of upwards motion, and cartouches and other decorative elements occupied every available space.

What are the dates of the Baroque period?

Derived from the Portuguese barroco, or “oddly shaped pearl,” the term “baroque” has been widely used since the nineteenth century to describe the period in Western European art music from about 1600 to 1750.

What was the basic Baroque Orchestra?

The Basic Baroque Orchestra contained violins (divided into two groups, called violins 1 and violins 2), Violas, Cellos and Bass viol (playing the same music as the cellos an octave lower. To this was added a keyboard instrument, generally a harpsichord. This was called the Festive Baroque Orchestra.

What are the main instruments of the Baroque period?

Baroque orchestra instruments usually included:

  • strings – violins, violas, cellos and double basses.
  • woodwind – recorders or wooden flutes, oboes and bassoon.
  • brass – sometimes trumpets and/or horns (without valves)
  • timpani (kettledrums)
  • continuo – harpsichord or organ.

What was it like living in the Baroque period?

Life during the Baroque period was based on one’s class. At the top were the nobility, living lavishly. Below them were the gentry. Gentlemen were not quite rich but they were certainly well off.

What factors helped shape baroque music?

The most important factors during the Baroque era were the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation, with the development of the Baroque style considered to be linked closely with the Catholic Church.

Who are 2 of the most famous composers from the Baroque period?

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Ah Bach. Beautiful Bach. Baroque music – and all music, as far as we’re concerned – can start and end with Bach if forced to pick one composer.

What are the major characteristics of baroque art?

Some of the qualities most frequently associated with the Baroque are grandeur, sensuous richness, drama, dynamism, movement, tension, emotional exuberance, and a tendency to blur distinctions between the various arts.

How did baroque musicians make a living?

Today most composers make their living teaching music, playing in orchestras, etc—making a decent-enough living but not enough to be rich. Most composers in the baroque period made their living by being kapellmeister’s, or writing music and chorales for clergy folks.

How many players are in a Baroque orchestra?

Baroque Orchestra (1600-1760) In Baroque music, strings were the most important part. Baroque orchestras had from 10 to 30 players, primarily strings.